Case Study on Power your Drive

One of our utility client provider wanted us to design a solution architecture framework under the project “Power Your Drive”.


The utility service provider who wanted to install car charging facility for which almost ten large scale enterprise system were to be  designed catering to different business capabilities. These are as follows

1. Enrollment Management

2. Session Management for Car Charging

3. Utility integrated Billing

4. Operations Management

5. Demand Based Price Management

6. Customer Relationship Management

7. Construction Management

8. Vendor and Installer Management

9. City Permits Management

10. Making the whole process seamless and easy for customer

Problem Statement:

Designing a Large Scale Enterprise System for a utility service provider for managing all aspects of the “Power Your Drive” project.



1. The solution involved through analysis and knowledge gathering of the regulators involved and meeting the the three project management drivers namely core ,budget and Timeline.

2. The vendor and installer management also involved that the solution be build using a multi vendor approach allowing for market freedom in charger selection (EVCS).

3. The session management involved use of industry standard OCP(1.6) for start, stop and load management.

4. The dynamic pricing involved hourly variable prices based on grid and circuit condition.

5. The billing process integration was done for rebate to rebill and meter to cas for the business value cycle.

6. The customer relationship management involved management of multi-unit dwelling.Enrollment of apartment complex into the program and taking them through the lifecycle of process induction but not limited to evesment.

7. The city permit management involved taking all the necessary permits in an ordely manner and following all the processes and protocols while going forward for using trenchers and laying of the electrical conduits.

8. The enrollment required charger and host registration to be done thoroughly.

9. The load management ,the general training on load management and the day to day management was also part of CRM.

10. Construction management involved the designing of the system in such a way that it makes the whole process easy for the installed dweller.


The effective Implementation of the ten large scale enterprise system catering to all aspects of “Power your Drive” was done successfully within a time frame of two years

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